Page 186 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 186

Draft Part E: The Individual Education Plan (IEP) Examples of Accommodations
   Instructional Accommodations
    Environmental Accommodations
  Assessment Accommodations
  • Buddy/peer tutoring
• Note-taking assistance
• Duplicated notes
• Contracts
• Scaffolding learning
• Clustering learning
• Descriptive feedback from peers
• Reinforcement incentives
• Highly structured approach
• Partnering
• Ability grouping
• Augmentative and alternative
communications systems
• Assistive technology, such as
text-to-speech software
• Video recordings of lessons for intensive
review at a later time
• Graphic organizers
• Non-verbal signals
• Organizational coaching
• Pictorial schedules to assist in making
• Time-management aids
• Mind maps
• More frequent breaks
• Concrete/hands-on materials
• Manipulatives
• Tactile tracing strategies
• Gesture cues
• Dramatizing information
• Visual cueing
• Large-size font
• Tracking sheets
• Colour cues
• Reduced/uncluttered format
• Computer options
• Spatially cued formats
• Repetition of information
• Rewording/rephrasing of information
• Extra time for processing
• Word-retrieval prompts
• Taped texts
   • Alternative work space
• Strategic seating
• Proximity to instructor
• Reduction of audio/visual
• Study carrel
• Minimizing of
background noise
• Quiet setting
• Use of headphones
• Special lighting
• Assistive devices or adaptive equipment
  • Extended time limits
• Verbatim scribing
• Oral responses, including
recorded responses
(audio or video)
• Alternative settings
• More frequent breaks
• Assistive devices or
adaptive equipment
• Prompts to return
student’s attention to task
• Chunking of assessment
tasks over time
• Allowing choice as
a demonstration of
• Augmentative and
alternative communica-
tions systems
• Assistive technology,
such as speech-to-text
• Large-size font
• Colour cues
• Reduced/uncluttered
• Computer options
• Extra time for processing
• Reduction in the number
of tasks used to assess a concept or skill

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