Page 116 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12
• the process available to parents if they do not agree with the IPRC’s decision.
The chair of the IPRC must send a copy of the statement of decision to:
• the parents;
• the student, if 16 years of age or older; • the school principal;
• the director of the school board.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsection 18(1)) Parental Consent
The school board will implement the placement decision either after the parents consent to it or, if the parents do not consent but do not wish
to appeal the decision, after the time limit for an appeal has expired. Although the regulation requires that the consent be written, it does not specify the precise form in which written consent will be provided. Many school boards have a policy of asking the parents to sign their names
to the statement of decision to indicate agreement with the committee’s identification and placement decision. The statement of decision may be signed at the IPRC meeting or taken home and returned. Parents should be encouraged to give serious consideration to their child’s identification and placement prior to signing the IPRC form.
If the student’s parents did not attend the IPRC meeting, the statement of decision and a consent form should be mailed to the student’s home to be signed and then returned to the school principal. If the parents do not sign the consent form and do not appeal the decision within the time limit, the school board will implement the IPRC decision, with written notice to the parents.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, section 20) After the IPRC Decision
A follow-up meeting of the IPRC may be held at the parents’ request whether or not they agree with the IPRC decision. The parents have fifteen days after receiving the statement of decision to make a written request
to the student’s current school principal for a follow-up meeting with the

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