Page 115 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 115

Draft PART D: The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) Process
  treatment facilities are made by the parents directly to the facility, although school board staff may be able to assist the parents in gathering useful information.
The IPRC Statement of Decision
The committee will make its decision about identification and placement after all the information has been presented, considered, and discussed. The committee need not make its determination at the IPRC meeting. It may reserve its decision (e.g., pending the receipt of further information). However, parents (and students 16 years of age or over) are entitled to be present whenever the IPRC makes its decision.
The IPRC written statement of decision will indicate whether the committee has identified the student as exceptional. Where the IPRC has identified the student as exceptional, the statement of decision must include:
• the categories and definitions of any exceptionalities identified;
• the IPRC’s description of the student’s strengths and needs;
• the IPRC’s placement decision;
• the IPRC’s recommendations regarding a special education program and
special education services, if any; and
• reasons for placing the student in a special education class, if that is the
IPRC’s decision.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsection 18(2))
Whether or not the IPRC places a student in a special education class,
its statement of decision may indicate the rationale for its decisions and provide a record of both the evidence that was submitted to the committee and the evidence that it relied on in reaching its decisions regarding exceptionalities, placement, and strengths and needs.
School boards have found it helpful to develop a form to use when recording the decision of the committee. This form may become the statement of decision, as long as it contains the information listed above. It also usually lists:
• the names of the committee members present; • the names of other persons present;
• the titles of the documents considered; and

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