Page 113 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 113

Draft PART D: The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) Process The IPRC meeting will review all available information about the student.
The committee will:
• consider the results of the student’s educational assessment;
• consider the results of any other assessments, such as health and/or
psychological assessments, if it is believed that such information is
required to make an accurate identification or placement decision;
• consider the results of an interview with the student, if the committee
members feel it would be useful to do so;
• consider any information about the student submitted by the parents,
or by the student who is 16 years of age or older; and
• consider any other information that may be relevant to the IPRC
At the meeting, teachers may be asked questions about the student’s achievement, progress, behaviour, assessment results, and potential response to a change in placement.
The committee may discuss and make recommendations regarding special education programs and services for the student. At the request of the parents, or of a student who is 16 years of age or older, committee members will discuss any such recommendations with the parents and/or the student. Parents and students should be encouraged to ask questions and participate in the discussion.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsections 16 (1) and (2)) The IPRC Placement Decision
Before the IPRC considers placement of the student in a special education class, the committee, as required by the regulation, must consider place- ment in a regular class with appropriate special education services. If,
after considering all of the information presented to it, the IPRC is satisfied that placement in a regular class would meet the student’s needs and is consistent with parental preferences, the committee will decide in favour of a placement in a regular class with appropriate special education services.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsection 17(1))

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