Page 111 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 111

Draft PART D: The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) Process Attending the IPRC Meeting
   Parents, and students who are 16 years of age or older, are entitled to be present at and participate in all IPRC discussions about the student and to be present when the committee’s identification and placement decisions are made.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsection 5(1))
In addition to the three people that constitute an IPRC, other people may attend the IPRC meeting. Possible attendees include:
• the principal of the student’s school (if not already a member of the IPRC);
• resource people such as the student’s teacher(s), special education staff, school board support staff, or other professionals who may be needed to provide further information or clarification;
• a representative of the parents and/or of a student who is 16 years of age or older (i.e., a person who can provide support for or speak on behalf of the parents and/or student);
• an interpreter (including a sign-language interpreter), if required; and
• other individuals whose presence is requested by either the parents or
the principal of the student’s school (subject to the agreement of the IPRC chair).
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsections 5 (3) and (4)) Recording at an IPRC Meeting
There is no requirement in O. Reg. 181/98 for a transcript or any other record of an IPRC meeting to be prepared. However, it is effective practice to document discussions at meetings where important decisions are made. Such records, including reports submitted to and relied on by the IPRC, support accountability for decisions, enable processes to be reviewed and improved, and assist future committees in understanding past decisions. In addition, the school board may want to keep a formal record of the meeting, including documents considered by the committee, for use in the event of an appeal. If anyone wishes to arrange for some form of record
to be made of the meeting, this request should be discussed at the earliest

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