Page 118 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 118

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft Summary of the IPRC Timeline
   IPRC Meeting Requested
   Within 15 days of request
 Principal sends parent:
• acknowledgement of request or notice of referral • parents’guidetospecialeducation
• approximate date for IPRC meeting
   At least 10 days before meeting
  IPRC chair sends parent (and student if 16 or over): • notification of IPRC meeting
• details of meeting (date, time, place)
 Before the meeting and as soon as possible after receipt of information on student
  IPRC chair sends parent (and student if 16 or over) information about student received by IPRC
    IPRC Meeting
• documents student’s strengths and needs
• makes decision about identification and
• identifies category and definition of student’s
• may recommend program and services
As soon as possible after decision is made, statement of decision is sent to the relevant parties, along with reasons for placing student in special education class, if that is IPRC’s placement decision

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