Page 99 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 99

By the end of this course, students will:
C1. TechnologyandtheEnvironment
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 identify ways in which manufacturing affects the environment today (e.g., through the demand for raw materials, creation of greenhouse gases, disposal of waste materials), and predict how
the effects will change in the future;
C1.2 explain the importance of “reduce, reuse, and recycle” and life cycle assessment (LCA) when designing, manufacturing, and marketing a product;
C1.3 use proper storage and disposal techniques of materials and waste products, ensuring that there is a minimal effect on the environment;
C1.4 explain the need for environmental steward- ship and describe how the manufacturing industry can act in an environmentally respon- sible way (e.g., by harvesting raw materials in a sustainable manner, using energy from renewable sources, making products that can be recycled, ensuring ethical treatment of people affected by manufacturing activities).
C2. TechnologyandSociety
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 describe the past and present effects of manufacturing on society (e.g., changes in work environments and lifestyle brought about by the Industrial Revolution, rising standards of living, widespread availability of consumer goods, effect of resource extraction on Aboriginal communities, effect on developing countries that accept industri- alized countries’ waste), and predict how manu- facturing will affect society in the future;
C2.2 identify the economic benefits that the manufacturing industry can provide at the local and provincial levels;
C2.3 evaluate from various perspectives (e.g., safety, technical, financial, environmental, ethical) the effects of new and emerging manufacturing technologies (e.g., wireless technology in cell phones and personal digital assistants [PDAs], improved materials and design in sports equipment that offer better protection, collision avoidance safety feature on motor vehicles) on culture and society.
 C1. demonstrate an understanding of ways in which the manufacturing industry affects the environment;
C2. demonstrate an understanding of ways in which the manufacturing industry affects society.
Manufacturing Technology

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