Page 97 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 97

By the end of this course, students will:
 B1. apply an appropriate design process to plan and develop a product;
B2. develop and use a manufacturing process plan to produce a product;
B3. use hand tools, machine tools, power tools, materials, and equipment safely and correctly in the manufacture of a product;
B4. demonstrate the use of metrology skills to measure, lay out, and inspect a product.
B1. DesignProcess
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 follow a design process that includes identi- fication of the particular need or problem, con- sideration of design criteria and constraints, development of multiple solutions, selection of the optimal solution, evaluation of the product, and life cycle assessment (LCA);
B1.2 apply appropriate technological concepts (see pp. 5–6) as an integral part of the design process;
B1.3 prepare and present appropriately organized design briefs for a variety of manufacturing challenges (e.g., briefs that contain an analysis
of the challenge, design criteria, multiple solutions to the challenge, evaluation of the product);
B1.4 develop technical drawings (e.g., orthographic, isometric, and assembly drawings) and technical reports, as required in the design and manufac- ture of a product;
B1.5 accurately interpret technical drawings and other resources (e.g., reports, literature, manuals) as they design and manufacture products.
B2. ProcessPlanning
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 identify and select appropriate materials required to manufacture a product;
B2.2 develop a process plan for the manufacture of a product (e.g., create a work plan, identify
appropriate tools and equipment, produce a bill of material, develop a budget for the project);
B2.3 use correct procedures to prepare materials for the manufacture of a product (e.g., layout, cutting to rough length, squaring, drilling, weld preparation, deburring);
B2.4 use appropriate methods of assembly (e.g., joining, bonding, crimping, fastening) based on design criteria and specifications.
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 set up hand tools, machine tools, power tools, and equipment (e.g., jigs and fixtures, clamps, engine lathe, welding equipment, milling machine, drill press, injection-moulding machine) properly in preparation for the manufacture
of a product (e.g., robotic challenge, design challenge, fabrication project);
B3.2 use various hand tools, power tools, machine tools, and related equipment (e.g., saws, grinders, milling machine, engine lathe, welding equipment, vacuum-forming machine) safely and correctly to manufacture a product;
B3.3 use the proper procedures for maintaining and storing materials, tools, and equipment;
B3.4 demonstrate safe workplace practices and behaviours (e.g., follow instructions, keep work area clean and dry, don’t distract other workers) when using materials, tools, and equipment to manufacture a product.
  B3. UsingMaterials,Tools,and Equipment
Manufacturing Technology

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