Page 100 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 100

 Grade 10, Open
 D1. identify and demonstrate compliance with health and safety legislation, standards, and procedures related to the manufacturing industry;
D2. describe career opportunities in the manufacturing industry and the education and training required for these careers.
  D1. Health and Safety D2. Career Opportunities
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Technological Education
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 identify and explain the importance of legis- lation and standards related to procedures
and operations used in manufacturing facilities (e.g., Occupational Health and Safety Act [OHSA], Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System [WHMIS]) and the relevant oversight/ regulatory organizations (e.g., Workplace Safety and Insurance Board [WSIB]);
D1.2 identify health and safety roles, responsibilities, and procedures in manufacturing (e.g., concern- ing choice of equipment and materials, maintenance of equipment, storing of materials and equipment, inspection of facilities and equipment, in-service and training);
D1.3 demonstrate compliance with health and safety standards (e.g., rules, procedures) related to facilities, processes, materials, tools, and equipment (e.g., ensure that correct fire extin- guishers and blankets are accessible, appropriate equipment guards are in place, and materials and chemicals are appropriately labelled);
D1.4 demonstrate the safe use of tools and equip-
ment in compliance with safety manuals, instructions, and institutional requirements;
D1.5 use protective clothing and equipment as required to ensure their own and others’ safety in the work environment.
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 identify a variety of career opportunities in the manufacturing industry;
D2.2 identify the education and training require- ments for various careers in the manufacturing industry;
D2.3 identify groups and programs that are avail- able to support students who are interested in pursuing non-traditional career choices in the manufacturing industry (e.g., mentoring programs, virtual networking/support groups, specialized postsecondary programs, relevant trade/industry associations);
D2.4 demonstrate an understanding of the Essential Skills that are important for success in the man- ufacturing industry, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport (e.g., measurement and calculation, finding information, problem solving);
D2.5 demonstrate an understanding of the work habits that are important for success in the manufacturing industry, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport (e.g., working safely, teamwork, reliability);
D2.6 develop and/or select pieces of work and other materials that provide evidence of their skills and achievements in manufacturing tech- nology, for inclusion in a portfolio (e.g., work logs, skills checklist, sketches, photographs of projects).

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