Page 255 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 255

 Grade 11, College Preparation
 D1. demonstrate an understanding of and compliance with health and safety standards in the various sectors of the tourism industry;
D2. demonstrate an understanding of the importance of customer service;
D3. identify career opportunities in the tourism industry and the individual personality traits and skills important for success in these careers.
 D1. HealthandSafety
 D2. CustomerService
 D3. CareerOpportunities
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 identify the laws, regulations, and regulatory/ oversight organizations that govern health, safety, and sanitary standards in the tourism industry (e.g., Occupational Health and Safety
Act [OHSA], Health Protection and Promotion
Act [HPPA], Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System [WHMIS] regulations, local health departments) and explain their importance;
D1.2 demonstrate an understanding of emergency preparedness (e.g., develop an emergency exit plan, ensure all safety equipment is clearly identi- fied and easily accessible and that equipment lock- out rules are posted) and procedures to be fol- lowed (e.g., regarding equipment power shut-off, the use of fire-suppression equipment) in the event of an accident or emergency situation;
D1.3 demonstrate the ability to follow health and safety best practices (e.g., report unsafe work con- ditions in the school classroom/facility; use the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information
System [WHMIS]; know appropriate first aid pro- cedures to be used in the event of an accident such as a burn, cut, or electric shock);
D1.4 demonstrate the use of safe food handling and proper sanitary practices (e.g., prevent cross- contamination of foods; keep their person and uni- form clean; wear hair nets; observe good house- keeping practices, safe lifting practices);
D1.5 use protective clothing and equipment as required to ensure their own and others’ safety in the work environment;
D1.6 identify and describe health and safety issues that must be considered in the workplace (e.g., issues concerning trip and fall, exposure to chemi- cals, the effects of fatigue, and long-term ergonomic considerations).
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 describe the relationship between the cus- tomer and the service provider;
D2.2 identify and describe fundamental principles of customer service (e.g., reliability, accountabil- ity, caring, responsiveness);
D2.3 explain how interpersonal, intrapersonal, and problem-solving skills are used to demon- strate professionalism and provide high-quality customer service;
D2.4 analyse how the quality of customer service affects the viability of various tourism businesses (e.g., hotels, resorts, restaurants, private clubs, health spas).
By the end of this course, students will:
D3.1 identify the sectors of the tourism industry that are prominent in their local community and/or region and those that are prominent in the province as a whole;
D3.2 describe the physical and psychological chal- lenges experienced by persons working in the tourism industry (e.g., multi-tasking, dealing with
By the end of this course, students will:

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