Page 367 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 367

By the end of this course, students will:
 E1. Daily Living as Sacred Reality: demonstrate an understanding of the type of daily observances associated with various religions and belief traditions and of the role of these observances in the lives of adherents;
E2. Rites and Rituals: demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which rituals and rites reflect the understandings and principles of various religions and belief traditions.
E1. Daily Living as Sacred Reality
By the end of this course, students will:
E1.1 describe the daily practices associated with various religions and belief traditions (e.g., dietary practices, forms of dress, patterns of prayer, use of language, care for those in need)
E1.2 explain how the daily practices of adherents reflect the teachings of their particular religion or belief tradition (e.g., acts of discernment and/or daily prayer, acts of service, meditation, reflection)
E1.3 explain the origins of the daily practices of various religions or belief traditions (e.g., Salah, Shema, Sikh practices signifying the importance of self-defence, Prayer to the Four Directions)
Teacher prompts: “How do the practices associ­ ated with the Five Ks of Sikhism remind Sikhs of their beliefs?” “In Judaism, what conditions are prescribed for the consumption and prepa­ ration of food in Deuteronomy 11?” “How might geography or environment affect the rituals of Prayer to the Four Directions?”
E1.4 describe how major historical events and movements have shaped the daily practices of various religions and belief traditions (e.g., ahimsa in satyagraha, the prayer book movement in Anglican Christianity, the residential schools experience for First Nation and Métis people)
E2. Rites and Rituals
By the end of this course, students will:
E2.1 describe ways in which various religions and belief traditions use rites and rituals to provide a spiritual context for understanding human experience
Teacher prompt: “How do initiation rites such as baptism, naming ceremonies, and vision quests reflect and sustain the values of specific communities?”
E2.2 explaintheoriginandsignificanceofvarious belief-related rituals, symbols, and festivals (e.g., the Five Ks, ICHTHYS, puja, sounding the shofar during Rosh Hashanah, the medicine wheel)
Teacher prompts: “What are some explanations of the origin of the acronym ICHTHYS as a symbol for Christianity?” “Why is the medicine wheel a common symbol used in contemporary First Nation art and culture?” “How does the experience of Guru Arjan Dev, including his martyrdom, reinforce the importance of the Five Ks for Sikhs?”
E2.3 classify rituals and practices of various religions and belief systems in terms of cate­ gories such as almsgiving, asceticism, atonement, anointing, calls to worship, covenant, dietary laws, sacrifice, holy days, vision quest
Perspectives, Issues, and Challenges
Research and Inquiry Skills
World Religions and Belief Traditions:
H H I F R 1 T 0 3 / M2 0

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