Page 365 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 365

By the end of this course, students will:
 D1. Tenets,Practices,andTeachings:outlinethecentraltenets,practices,andteachingsofvarious religions and belief traditions;
D2. SacredWritingsandOralTeachings:analysetheroleofsacredwritingsandoralteachingsin various religions and belief traditions;
D3. PrescribedRolesandInfluentialFigures:analysehowindividualswithspecificroleshave influenced the development of various religions and belief traditions.
D1. Tenets, Practices, and Teachings
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 explain the concept of the supernatural and the role of entities associated with it in various religions and belief traditions (e.g., angels, avatars, the creator, deities, demons, spirits, saints, souls)
Teacher prompts: “How do the distinct roles of Allah, Gabriel, and Muhammad reveal the Muslim understanding of the supernatural?” “How does the doctrine of the Communion of Saints reflect the Roman Catholic concept of the supernatural?” “Why do Hindus and Buddhists have different understandings of the roles of Vishnu, Rama, Krishna, and the Buddha?” “How did beliefs about the super­ natural influence the decision of the Adivasi, the Aboriginal people of the Narmada River, to protest the construction of a dam?”
D1.2 identify and explain the central tenets of various religions and belief traditions (e.g., the Works of Mercy, the Five Virtues, the Golden Rule, the Noble Truths, the Three Jewels, the Code of Handsome Lake)
D1.3 describe actions people perform to fulfil the expectations of their particular belief tradition (e.g., Aboriginal respect for and protection of the environment, charitable giving, zakat)
Teacher prompts: “What are the duties of Roman Catholics as outlined in the Works of Mercy?” “How might Muslims fulfil the religious obligation of zakat?” “How have First Nation beliefs about the natural world inspired the spawn-on-kelp sustainable fishing industry?”
D1.4 explain how concepts of time, creation, and the afterlife are reflected in the teachings and practices of various religions and belief traditions (e.g., karma, samsara and nirvana, sin and salvation)
Teacher prompts: “How do the concepts of karma, rebirth, and nirvana relate to each other in the world view of a Buddhist?” “How does the Islamic understanding of the afterlife affect the actions of Muslims?” “How do the cultural practices and spiritual beliefs of various First Nations reflect their knowledge and under­ standing of cyclical processes in nature?”
D1.5 identify and explain practices that reflect the principles and/or teachings of various reli­ gions and belief traditions (e.g., vegetarianism and ahimsa, baptism and grace, tithing of income for charity and tzedakah, fasting and submission)
Teacher prompts: “How is the principle of ahimsa (non-violence) reflected in the dietary practices of a Jain?” “Why is the principle of tzedakah (charity) central to Jewish life?”
D1.6 explain how differing interpretations of spe­ cific teachings have arisen within various faith communities (e.g., interpretations of: the relative importance of scripture and tradition; the role and place of human beings in the world; the relative importance of individual versus community values; succession [in Islam])
Teacher prompts: “How did the events sur­ rounding the death of Muhammad result in the formation of the two largest groups within Islam – Sunni and Shi’a?” “How might the Judaeo-Christian understanding of the human person as made in the image and likeness of
  Perspectives, Issues, and Challenges
Research and Inquiry Skills
World Religions and Belief Traditions:
H H I F R 1 T 0 3 / M2 0

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