Page 368 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 368

 Grade 11, University/College Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
E2.4 describe how major historical events and movements have shaped the rituals of various religions and belief traditions (e.g., the Passover seder, the Blackfoot sun dance, the potlatch)
Teacher prompts: “In what ways has contact with Europeans changed the potlatch ritual over the past two centuries?” “How are the events of the book of Exodus reflected in vari­ ous aspects of the Passover ceremony?” “How was the practice of Shinto, particularly State Shinto, affected by the Second World War?”
E2.5 explain how key teachings of various religions and belief systems are reflected in their rites of passage (e.g., rites associated with birth, coming of age, marriage, death and funerary practices)
Teacher prompts: “How does cremation after death reflect Hindu beliefs about the afterlife and reincarnation?” “Why are there different expectations of participants in the rituals of baptism and confirmation?”

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