Page 178 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 178

  Grade 11, Workplace Preparation
B3. Culture and Food Habits
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 identify foods from other cultures that have become common in Canada (e.g., samosas, sushi, pizza, fried rice, pita, nachos, tortillas, dhal, bannock)
B3.2 identify where in their local community foods from various cultures can be acquired (e.g., international aisles at grocery stores, the school cafeteria, restaurants, community events, culture-specific grocery markets)
B3.3 describe some food-production and food- acquisition practices in Canada and in a variety of other countries/cultures (e.g., cultivation on small family farms, organic farming practices, large monoculture farms, the use of chemicals and geneti­ cally modified seeds/plants, the role of hunting and fishing, growing cash crops, growing for local
consumption, using surplus produce to barter or trade for different foodstuffs, buying packaged goods and butchered meat in grocery stores, buying fresh produce and live animals in markets, kosher and halal foods)
Teacher prompt: “What is a community-based garden? Are there any community-based gardens in your neighbourhood?”
B3.4 describe some cultural variations in daily eating patterns (e.g., time of day for meals, number of meals per day, timing and typical content of the main meal of the day)
B3.5 describe some cultural variations in dining etiquette (e.g., seating arrangements, order and use of utensils, appropriate sounds while eating)
Teacher prompts: “How do you show apprecia­ tion of food in various cultures?” “In which cultures/countries do people sit close to the floor to eat traditional meals?”

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