Page 177 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 177

By the end of this course, students will:
 B1. Food Choices: demonstrate an understanding of the factors that influence food choices, with reference to a variety of cultures;
B2. Food Guidelines: demonstrate an understanding of recommendations made in Canada’s Food Guide and of recommendations made in the guidelines of other countries;
B3. Culture and Food Habits: demonstrate an understanding of the influence of culture on how people obtain, prepare, serve, and consume food.
B1. Food Choices
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 describe how various factors (e.g., geography, religion, economics, culture, environment, values) influence personal food choices
Teacher prompt: “How would your food choices be affected if you consumed only food that was grown and/or produced within a 100-kilometre radius of your home?”
B1.2 identify specific foods that are served for special occasions in Canada and other countries (e.g., for national holidays, cultural and religious celebrations, weddings, harvest celebrations)
Teacher prompts: “What are some Christmas foods that are served in different cultures?” “How do Passover foods differ according to the Ashkenazi and Sephardic traditions?” “What are some cultures in which specific holidays are marked by obtaining special foods (e.g., by killing a whale)?”
B1.3 describe some technological innovations that make local and imported foods available to Canadians in all seasons (e.g., refrigerated trucks, freeze drying, deep freezing, cold storage, greenhouse food production)
Teacher prompt: “How is cold storage used to ensure access to Ontario apples all year round?”
B1.4 plan and prepare a food item or items asso­ ciated with a special occasion of their own or another culture or country
B2. Food Guidelines
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 identify key recommendations in Canada’s Food Guide (e.g., choose lower-fat milk products; have vegetables and fruit more often than juice)
B2.2 compare recommendations in Canada’s Food Guide with those in the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Food Guide
Teacher prompt: “How does the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis version of Canada’s Food Guide reflect the rural traditions that are an inherent part of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis cultures?”
B2.3 compare recommendations in Canada’s Food Guide with those in food guidelines from other countries (e.g., Dietary Guidelines
for Americans, Mediterranean Food Guide, Chinese Food Guide)
Teacher prompt: “How would the typical diet of someone following the Mediterranean Food Guide differ from that of someone following Canada’s Food Guide?”
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