Page 141 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 141

By the end of this course, students will:
 D1. Functional Floor Plans: demonstrate the ability to create and evaluate floor plans for living spaces; D2. DesignandFurnishingConsiderations:demonstrateanunderstandingoftheelementsand
principles of design and other considerations related to designing and decorating living spaces;
D3. HomeMaintenance:demonstrateanunderstandingoftheimportanceofhomemaintenance and of ways to create a safe and healthy home;
D4. CareerOpportunitiesinHousing:describevariouscareersassociatedwithhousing,including home maintenance and design, and the educational pathways related to them.
D1. Functional Floor Plans
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 demonstrate an understanding of the termi­ nology relating to, and drawing conventions used in, floor plans (e.g., conventions used in architectural drawings and floor plans, including those for doors, walls, windows, kitchen and bath­ room fixtures, laundry facilities, closets and storage; electrical symbols)
D1.2 using floor plans, evaluate the effectiveness of interior design decisions (e.g., the positioning and function of various rooms, including social zones, private spaces, work areas; the placement of appliances and furnishings; the number and location of electrical outlets; orientation of windows for solar gain; deci­ sions with respect to traffic patterns, accessibility, clearance, storage; fire and emergency measures)
Teacher prompt: “How effectively do common condominium floor plans accommodate the needs of families with young children? The needs of elderly people?”
D1.3 demonstrate the ability to create a floor plan for a specific purpose (e.g., for a bedroom, home office, garage; for a recreational space in a backyard; showing an emergency evacuation plan)
Teacher prompts: “What elements are needed in a home office? How could you put them together for maximum convenience and effi­ ciency?” “What is meant by the term work triangle in a kitchen? How does the size and shape of the kitchen affect how you approach the design of the triangle?”
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 demonstrate an understanding of basic terminology relating to styles of architecture, furniture, and interior design (e.g., Saltbox, Cape Cod, Georgian houses; French provincial, colonial, retro, eclectic, country, contemporary, minimalist design/furniture)
D2.2 analyse ways in which elements and princi­ ples of design (e.g., line, space, harmony, texture, colour) are used to create interior and exterior home environments
Teacher prompt: “What are some ways in which colour themes are used in rooms featured in home design magazines?”
  D2. Design and Furnishing Considerations
R H e o s u e s a i r n c g h a a n n d d H I n o q m u e i r Dy e S s k i i g l l n s
H HI F L 1 S 0 3 / O2 0

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