Page 139 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 139

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. The Impact of Social Factors: demonstrate an understanding of the impact that social factors, including cultural traditions, can have on housing;
C2. Housing for Specialized Markets: demonstrate an understanding of different types of housing, including housing for specialized markets, and of housing-related support programs;
C3. Economic and Legal Considerations: demonstrate an understanding of the economic and legal considerations associated with housing.
C1. The Impact of Social Factors
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 analyse the impact of current social and demographic factors on housing (e.g., changing family structures, population fluctuations, economic conditions, government policies and services, tech­ nological advances, environmental issues, green space regulations)
Teacher prompts: “How do technological developments affect housing?” “What is the Ontario Greenbelt and what impact does it have on housing developments?” “What impact has increasing urbanization had on housing?” “How have economic factors and government policies affected rates of homelessness?” “What groups are particularly vulnerable to homeless- ness (e.g., Aboriginal people, new immigrants, people living in poverty, people suffering from mental illnesses)? Why?”
C1.2 describe how the increased recognition of the need for resource conservation can affect decisions related to living spaces, and identify ways in which householders can conserve energy, water, and other resources (e.g., by using alternative sources of energy such as solar or geothermal power; by installing low-flow toilets and shower heads; by using recycled building materials; by retrofitting a building with more energy-efficient windows and doors and improving insulation; by using energy-saving appliances, programmable thermostats, dimmer switches, and LED lights;
by recycling and composting)
Teacher prompts: “What are some ways to retrofit a house to be more energy efficient?” “What can apartment or condominium dwellers do to conserve energy?”
C1.3 explain how cultural traditions and
values can affect decisions related to housing (e.g., with reference to preferred styles of architecture and interior design, the use of feng shui principles, the need for specialized rooms such as shrines, approaches to colour, beliefs about lucky/unlucky numbers, dietary restrictions and kitchen needs, space for extended families living under the same roof)
Teacher prompts: “What are the principles of feng shui? How and why might they affect the interior design of one’s living space?” “How can kitchens be designed to conform to kosher dietary laws?”
C1.4 describe how social factors and housing- related technologies may affect housing in the future, and provide reasons to support their predictions (e.g., the increasing development of high-rise buildings as available land decreases in urban spaces; the availability of more recycled building materials and/or stricter building regula­ tions to conserve natural resources and protect the environment; the development of decentralized com­ munities with single-family housing as more people telecommute to work or school)
Teacher prompts: “What do you think an envi­ ronmentally friendly dwelling will look like
in the future? Why?” “What urban planning changes do you think will occur in the future? Why?”
R H e o s u e s a i r n c g h a a n n d d H I n o q m u e i r Dy e S s k i i g l l n s
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