Page 101 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 101

 respect for ethnocultural diversity in Canada contributed to respect for other kinds of diversity (e.g., sexual diversity, respect for the rights of people with disabilities)?”
C3.4 demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which Canadian individuals from various ethnocultural minority groups have contributed to and influenced Canadian culture and society (e.g., Rosalie Abella, Zanana Akande, Lincoln Alexander, Adam Beach, David Bouchard, Rosemary Brown, Herb Carnegie, Thérèse Casgrain, Wayson Choy, Viola Desmond, Graham Greene, Elijah Harper, Nazem Kadri, Joy Kogawa, Susur Lee, Stephen Lewis, Sandra Lovelace, Antonine Maillet, Tak W. Mak, Deepa Mehta, Rohinton Mistry, Raymond Moriyama, Robbie Robertson, Haroon Siddiqui, Alfred Sung, David Suzuki)
Teacher prompts: “In what ways have ‘firsts’ (i.e., the first people from ethnocultural minori­ ties to attain positions of influence) changed the face of Canadian society?” “What impact has David Suzuki had on environmental awareness in Canada?” “What contributions has Rosalie Abella made to human rights in
Canada? Why is this contribution important for all Canadians?”
C3.5 assess the broad significance of historic cul­ tural developments associated with a diverse range of ethnocultural groups (e.g., Semitic and Phoenician alphabets; Egyptian, Roman, and Aztec calendars; Persian and Chinese calligraphy; Arab mathematical notation; Chinese paper and gun powder; the Three Sisters of Haudenosaunee agri­ culture; tobacco; the canoe; Saracenic art; Japanese and Arab architecture; Islamic and Christian illu­ minated manuscripts; Chinese medicine; scripture from various cultures; foods/beverages such as pasta, rice, ketchup, corn, potatoes, tea, coffee, wine)
Teacher prompts: “How did practices in Timbuktu advance the field of education
and the development of academic institutions outside West Africa?” “What was the role of East Africa and the Arab world in the popular­ ization of coffee? How important is the coffee trade to today’s global economy? What have been the effects of the trade on local farmers who cultivate this crop?”
World Cultures

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