Page 103 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 103

 D1.5 assess the effects of cultural imperialism on cultures around the world (e.g., loss of language, preferences for Western brands over local products, the spread of consumerism, increased cultural pro­ tectionism, cultural appropriation)
Teacher prompts: “How has the mass media spread Western culture? What effects has the reach of Western culture had on local cultures?” “What are some examples of culture flowing from local cultures to wider societies?” “Do you think we are heading towards a global consumer culture? Why or why not?”
D2. Policies and Issues
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 explain the impact of colonization on Aboriginal communities in Canada and other countries (e.g., the loss of culture, autonomy, land, and way of life; the impact on language and spiritu­ ality; the effects of the introduction of alcohol and new diseases; the different impact on women, men, and children)
D2.2 evaluate the impact on cultural groups of Canada’s immigration and refugee policies, past and present (e.g., changing criteria for admis­ sion, the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Continuous Passage Act, the refusal to accept Jewish refugees from the SS St. Louis or South Asian immigrants from the Komagata Maru; policies regarding settlement, sponsorship, education and training, recognition of credentials)
Teacher prompts: “How have neighbourhoods been transformed as a result of immigration?” “What are some of the ways in which host communities in Canada have responded to the arrival of different groups of immigrants?” “How have cultural groups responded to Canadian immigration policies in the past?
In what ways were these responses different from those of today?”
D2.3 explain systemic barriers to integration and achievement facing Canadian ethnocultural minority groups (e.g., the need for “Canadian experience”; racism and discrimination; lack of access to language training, social services, educational opportunities), and assess the effectiveness of programs and strategies to overcome these bar­ riers (e.g., programs for English language learners, provincial and federal credential assessment programs, support groups for immigrant women, projects of various agencies serving immigrants)
Teacher prompts: “How should academic credentials from other countries be assessed
in order to allow fair access to Canadian employment for immigrants and refugees?” “How does the need for ‘Canadian experience’ discriminate against cultural groups?” “What kinds of programs are available to help new­ comers overcome challenges to settling in Canada? Do you think these programs ade­ quately address newcomers’ needs? Why
or why not?”
D2.4 analyse major past and present policies, practices, and cultural issues at the community, provincial, and national levels in Canada
(e.g., nativism; ghettoization; Quebec nationalism; hyphenated Canadians and the balance between ethnocultural identity and Canadian identity; biculturalism and multiculturalism; integration versus assimilation; intermarriage and the status
of First Nation women; racial profiling; cultural/ gender imbalances in political representation; American cultural imperialism)
Teacher prompts: “What are the goals of Canada’s multiculturalism policy? How effective is the policy at meeting those goals?” “How is Québécois identity addressed by the provincial government in Quebec and the federal government?” “What was the stated purpose behind residential schools for First Nation children?”
D2.5 compare the context of and approaches implicit in Canada’s policies on diversity and multiculturalism with the context, approaches, and policies of other nations (e.g., China’s policy towards minority groups, Thailand’s policy towards Hill Tribe groups, the integration of immigrants in various nations, the White Australia policy, secularism versus religious freedom in France,
the Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy [White Paper, 1969], the federal response to Quebec nationalism)
Teacher prompts: “Why are clothing and reli­ gious/cultural symbols worn by various groups controversial in some countries? What are some instances of such controversy in Canada? How were these controversies dealt with?” “How do policies with respect to Aboriginal people in Canada compare to other nations’ policies in relationship to their indigenous populations?”
World Cultures

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