Page 99 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 99

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. Art, Philosophy, and Religion: demonstrate an understanding of artistic expressions, philosophies, and religious/spiritual beliefs found within specific cultures, and of how these expressions relate to various aspects of those cultures;
C2. Cultural Expressions in Context: analyse specific cultural expressions and a range of factors that can affect them;
C3. Contributions and Influences: assess the contributions to and influence on various cultures/societies, including Canada, of a diverse range of ethnocultural groups and individuals from those groups.
C1. Art, Philosophy, and Religion
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 describe forms of artistic expression found within a specific culture (e.g., Koto drumming, Arab architecture, dancing in West Africa, totem poles of West Coast First Nations in Canada, Bollywood films), and explain how they relate
to aspects of that culture (e.g., spiritual or religious beliefs or rituals; military or political traditions; social roles and structures; values, norms, and attitudes; identities)
Teacher prompts: “How does the clothing
used in the ceremony of encoffinment in Japan reflect attitudes and beliefs about death in that society?” “In what ways is the art of Frida Kahlo a reflection of Mexican cultural identity?” “What do African-American slave spirituals tell us about the society in which they were created? In what ways were these songs used?” “What does Ghanaian literature reveal about that society?”
C1.2 demonstrate an understanding of various secular beliefs or philosophies found within a specific culture (e.g., individualism, collectivism, patriarchalism, feminism, humanism, rationalism, egalitarianism, elitism, imperialism, Confucianism, Marxism, liberalism, conservatism, modernism, belief in capitalism) and of how they relate to various aspects of that culture (e.g., attitudes towards health and wellness, child-rearing prac­ tices, social hierarchies, rituals surrounding birth and death, concepts of land ownership and use, trade, education, taboos)
Teacher prompts: “What attitudes and behav­ iours are associated with consumerism in North America?” “What impact have tribalism and imperialism had on social structures and atti­ tudes in Rwanda?” “What are the similarities and differences between tribalism and nation­ alism?” “Why is the global literacy rate higher for boys than for girls? What beliefs do such literacy statistics reflect?” “What beliefs are reflected in the social organization of a feudal society? A patriarchal society? A democratic society? What implications do these beliefs have for individuals living in these societies?” “What are the connections between Chinese medicine and Eastern philosophies of life and well-being?”
C1.3 demonstrateanunderstandingofvarious religious or spiritual beliefs (e.g., Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Aboriginal or tribal spiritual beliefs) found within a specific culture and of how they relate to various aspects of that culture (e.g., dietary laws; social hierarchies; attitudes towards gender roles and social inequality; ethics and mores; rituals/practices around birth, marriage, sickness, death; educational practices; practices such as meditation, powwows, pilgrimages, shamanism, t’ai chi ch’uan, voodoo)
Teacher prompts: “In what ways does t’ai chi ch’uan reflect Chinese philosophies of the mind, body, and spirit?” “What is the relationship between the concept of reincarnation found
in Hinduism and the caste system in India?” “In what ways is liberation theology in Latin America related to the organization of social
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