Page 88 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 88

 Grade 10, Applied
    B1. analyse some current technologies or substances that have an impact on human tissues, organs, or systems, and evaluate their effects on human health;
B2. investigate cell division, cell specialization, and the organization of systems in animals, including humans, using various laboratory techniques;
B3. demonstrate an understanding of the hierarchical organization of cells, from tissues, to organs, to systems in animals, including humans.
  B1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
 B. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
B. Biology: tiSSueS, organS, and SyStemS
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 analyse, on the basis of research, medical im- aging technologies (e.g., ultrasound, X-rays, computerized axial tomography [CT or CAT] scan, magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], mi- croscopy, biophotonics) used in Canada to explore, diagnose, or treat the human body, and communicate their findings [PR, AI, C]
Sample issue: The diagnostic use of nuclear iso- topes has saved lives by providing more reliable diagnoses of certain diseases. However, in the longer term, nuclear medicine could have harm- ful effects on the human body.
Sample questions: How have today’s X-rays improved over those in the past? How is ultra- sound used to monitor fetal development? How has the development of imaging technologies improved the diagnosing of diseases not visible to the human eye?
B1.2 evaluate the effects that use of or exposure to a technology, substance, or environmental factor (e.g., cellphones, X-rays, UV radiation, personal audio players, cigarette smoke, pesti- cides, food additives/preservatives, vitamins, gene therapy) may have on the function of human tissues, organs, or systems [AI, C]
Sample issue: Cellphones are widely used in Canada. However, some studies have suggested
that radiation emitted from cellphones may cause damage to the brain, particularly in children.
Sample questions: What impact does the inges- tion of food additives have on the cells of the digestive system? What impact does smoking have on lung tissue? What effects does expo- sure to UV radiation have on skin? How can using a personal audio player affect a person’s auditory system?
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 use appropriate terminology related to human cells, tissues, organs, and systems, including, but not limited to: absorption, anaphase, capillaries, concentration, differentiation, diffusion, interphase, metaphase, osmosis, prophase, red blood cells, regener- ation, and telophase [C]
B2.2 examine cells under a microscope or similar instrument to identify the various stages of mitosis in animals [PR, AI]
B2.3 investigate, using a microscope or similar instrument, cell specialization in the human body, focusing on different types of human cells (e.g., muscle cells, epithelial cells, nerve cells), and draw labelled biological diagrams of each type of cell [PR, C]

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