Page 90 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 90

 Grade 10, Applied
    C1. analyse how chemical reactions are employed in common products and processes, and assess the safety and environmental hazards associated with them;
C2. investigate, through inquiry, the characteristics of simple chemical reactions;
C3. demonstrate an understanding of simple chemical reactions and the language and ways to represent them.
  C1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
 C2. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
C. Chemistry: ChemiCal reaCtions and their PraCtiCal aPPliCations
Overall expectatiOns
By the end of this course, students will:
specific expectatiOns
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 analyse, on the basis of research, the function of chemical reactions in the production of select- ed products and/or in processes commonly encountered at home or in the workplace (e.g., carbonation of soft drinks; rust proofing), and communicate their findings [IP, PR, AI, C]
Sample questions: How does the addition of ethanol to gasoline result in cleaner engine emis- sions? What chemical reactions are used in the rust-proofing process? How can chemical reac- tions affect the decomposition of important nutrients in food?
C1.2 identify practical applications of chemical re- actions in a particular profession (e.g., ceramics, cosmetology, firefighting, heating and cooling system technology, food preparation, plumbing, custodial services), and assess the associated hazards, including hazards associated with the handling and disposal of chemicals [PR, AI, C]
Sample issue: Class B fire extinguishers contain- ing ammonium phosphate, sodium bicarbonate, or potassium bicarbonate are effective in smother- ing fires involving flammable liquids. However, some of these chemicals are corrosive and can cause damage if introduced to an ecosystem.
Sample questions: How do lab technicians pro- tect themselves from chemical reactions in their work environment? What applications of chem- ical reactions are used by hair stylists? What precautions can they take in using and dispos- ing of the chemicals? What types of chemical reactions do chefs need to be aware of when they process or store food? What precautions should an auto mechanic take when changing the fluids in a car?
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 use appropriate terminology related to chemical reactions, including, but not limited to: antacid, dilute, neutralization, product, reactant, and word equation [C]
C2.2 construct molecular models of simple chemical reactions (e.g., C + O2 ➞ CO2; 2H2 + O2 ➞ 2H2O), and produce diagrams of these models [PR, C]
C2.3 conduct and observe inquiries related to sim- ple chemical reactions, including synthesis, decomposition, and displacement reactions, and represent them using a variety of formats (e.g., word equations, balanced chemical equations, molecular models) [PR, AI, C]

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