Page 25 - Science - Grade 9, DE-STREAMED COURSE (SNC1W)
P. 25

Performing and Recording
• Identifyandrecordinformation
o classify resources by subtopics
o identify important data from the selected resources
o identify important information, and record it in the form of notes, graphics, or illustrations
or using audio and video formats
o keep track of references for all resources
Analysing and Interpreting
• Analyse information and summarize findings
o look for missing or conflicting ideas
o rank the information according to its relevance
o eliminate unnecessary data
o consider bias in the data or on the part of the researcher o check whether the data answers the research question o answer the research question and write a summary
• Communicate results
o choose a form or medium for communication that is appropriate for the intended audience o choose the information to share, and develop a draft presentation or publication, using
appropriate vocabulary
o consider cultural, ethical, and other implications related to the communication of the work o review the draft, considering the audience’s perspective, and edit as required
o present or publish the work
Scientific Experimentation Process
Experimentation involves performing various steps to test and validate or reject a hypothesis, as well as manipulating different variables in order to observe the results. It involves experiential, hands-on learning that engages and empowers students as they develop their investigation skills.
A process of experimentation is often iterative and may involve conducting fair tests to determine the effects of changing one factor in an experimental set-up. In a fair test, the student identifies variables that may affect the results of the experiment; selects one variable to be altered (tested) while keeping other variables constant; measures all trials in the same way; and repeats tests to determine the validity of the results. As part of their experimentation, students are encouraged to consider the concept of fair tests, and whether or not complete objectivity and the absence of bias is possible in science investigations.
As with the scientific research process described above, the most appropriate entry points into a scientific experimentation process, and the most appropriate components of the process to be focused

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