Page 96 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Science, 2008 (revised)
P. 96

 Grade 11, University Preparation
    B1. analyse the properties of commonly used chemical substances and their effects on human health and the environment, and propose ways to lessen their impact;
B2. investigate physical and chemical properties of elements and compounds, and use various methods to visually represent them;
B3. demonstrate an understanding of periodic trends in the periodic table and how elements combine to form chemical bonds.
  B1. Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment
 B2. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication
B1.2 evaluate the risks and benefits to human health of some commonly used chemical substances (e.g., chemical additives in foods; By the end of this course, students will: pharmaceuticals; cosmetics and perfumes; household cleaning products) [AI, C]
B1.1 analyse, on the basis of research, the proper-
ties of a commonly used but potentially harmful
Sample issue: Artificial sweeteners, such as chemical substance (e.g., fertilizer, pesticide, a
aspartame, are used as sugar substitutes to household cleaning product, materials used in
reduce calories in processed foods and bever- electronics and batteries) and how that substance
ages. Although such sweeteners may benefit affects the environment, and propose ways to
people who are watching their weight, or lessen the harmfulness of the substance (e.g., by
those with diabetes, some experts say that reducing the amount used, by modifying one of
their harmful effects on human health may
its chemical components) or identify alternative
outweigh their benefits.
substances that could be used for the same
Sample questions: How can the use of non-stick purpose [IP, PR, AI, C]
cookware help reduce the amount of fat in our diet? What risks are associated with the use of Sample issue: Many commercial household
such cookware? What are the risks and benefits cleaning products contain corrosive substances
of using sunscreens that contain PABA? What that can accumulate in the environment. There
are the risks and benefits of using insect repel- are now many “green” cleaners that do not
lents that contain DEET?
contain these substances, although some of
these products may not be as environmentally
friendly as claimed.
Sample questions: Why is it more environment-
ally friendly to use latex rather than oil-based
paint? Why should paint never be poured down
By the end of this course, students will:
a drain? What properties of some common
B2.1 use appropriate terminology related to pharmaceuticals allow them to stay in water
chemical trends and chemical bonding, includ- systems and influence the growth and develop-
ing, but not limited to: atomic radius, effective ment of organisms? What are some ways in
nuclear charge, electronegativity, ionization
which this impact can be reduced?
energy, and electron affinity [C]

B. mAtter, chemicAl trendS, And chemicAl Bonding
By the end of this course, students will:

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