Page 80 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 80

o golden ratio (phi):
▪ The golden ratio is a ratio of length to width, approximately equal to 1.618 : 1, and
is considered to be a visually appealing proportion. This ratio can be seen in nature in the spiral patterns on pine cones, fruits, and vegetables. The golden ratio is also evident in art, design, and architecture. For example, the CN Tower uses the golden ratio in its design.
Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• on an ongoing basis, both formally and informally, encourage students to bring into the classroom real-life stories they have gathered about the mathematical concepts they are learning, in order to enhance their understanding of these concepts and make connections between them and with ordinary life;
• build an authentic and inclusive learning environment where students are encouraged to learn about knowledge systems from around the world, including Indigenous ways of knowing.
Students can seek out real-life stories through conversations with people in their families or communities, or through print and digital resources. They may need guidance on seeking information about new perspectives on mathematics. The aspect of student choice in this expectation may also involve the teacher taking the stance of a co-learner as they support students in exploring stories of various cultures.
Teacher Prompts
• What do you think a number concept is?
• What constitutes a numeration system? How did various numeration systems come to be?
• How did the place-value system come to be?
• What are some interesting numbers you have seen? Why are they interesting to you?
• Did you begin your research with a specific concept or a specific culture in mind?
• What did you find out about the development and use of this number concept in a specific
• How might this concept be relevant to you? To our learning today?
• How is this number concept used across various disciplines?
• How did various cultures contribute to the development of this number concept? Was there a
loss of cultural knowledge due to these developments?

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