Page 81 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 81

Sample Tasks
1. Have students brainstorm possible number concepts that they could research. Ask them to choose a concept of interest from the list and gather information about its socio-historic development in a culture of their choice. Once students have gathered their information, have them decide how they would like to tell the story of the development of the concept to the class.
2. Have students collaborate on creating a timeline for the stories they find.
3. Have students work in groups or as a whole class to create a world map that shows the connection of their number concepts to a culture. Invite students to share their observations and reflections on the relevance of those concepts to their own current context.
4. Have students consider traditional border patterns or trim designs on parkas or other clothing. Have them describe the number concepts they see applied or represented in the pattern or design.
B1.2 Number Sets
describe how various subsets of a number system are defined, and describe similarities and differences between these subsets
Teacher supports
• subsets of an identified number system:
o odd and even numbers are subsets of integers
o prime and composite numbers are subsets of integers
o rational and irrational numbers are subsets of real numbers o triangular numbers is a subset of whole numbers
o perfect squares is a subset of whole numbers
Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• highlight that every number system is made up of a set of numbers as well as certain arithmetic operations we define on them;
• create learning tasks that enable students to identify unique characteristics of various subsets using visual and concrete representations, such as representing perfect squares with square tiles to show that perfect squares can be represented in the shape of a square, that they are the result of multiplying an integer by itself, and end with only digits 0, 1, 4, 6, 9, or 25;
• discuss the idea that subsets are defined by people, and may be created for specific purposes; 80

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