Page 169 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 169

Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• the number of recycling bins distributed among the population of interest o Does listening to music while studying help students focus better?
▪ information needed may include:
• time spent listening to music while studying
• scores on a memory test
o Do younger teenagers need more sleep than older teenagers? ▪ information needed may include:
• amount of sleep that teenagers get at varying ages
• measures of well-being (e.g., mood checks, energy levels, stress levels) from
teenagers at varying ages after varying amount of sleep
o What is the most appropriate location to place a wind turbine on a given site, based on the
wind speeds at various locations on the site? ▪ information needed may include:
• wind speeds at various locations on the site
• distance needed between a wind turbine and trees or other structures
o Is there a relationship between the mass of a vehicle and its fuel efficiency or energy
▪ information needed may include:
• the mass of a vehicle
• fuel efficiency or energy consumption of the vehicle
• driving conditions (speed limits, weather conditions, the need to use climate
• support students in selecting a question of interest to them and developing it in a way that can be answered by collecting and analysing information and data;
• support students in distinguishing between questions that require the process of mathematical modelling to answer them (often referred to as “messy questions” or “rich questions”) and questions that do not. For example, such questions may involve more than one variable or have different solutions depending on the assumptions made;
• facilitate conversations among students to discuss the information that is needed and the data that may need to be collected to build a mathematical model to answer their question of interest.
Expectations D2.2 through D2.5 highlight the process of mathematical modelling and are therefore interconnected; they should be considered as a whole, and this should be reflected during instruction.

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