Page 167 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 167

Overall expectation
D2. Mathematical Modelling
apply the process of mathematical modelling, using data and mathematical concepts from other strands, to represent, analyse, make predictions, and provide insight into real-life situations
Specific expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 Application of Mathematical Modelling
describe the value of mathematical modelling and how it is used in real life to inform decisions
Teacher supports
• value of mathematical modelling:
o aids in developing an understanding of a real-life situation
o aids in testing the impact of changes in a given real-life situation, such as ways to improve
productivity and reduce associated costs
o supports decision-making at all levels of society, such as:
▪ guiding decisions that can help to improve sustainable economic development
▪ guiding decisions that can help to reduce environmental degradation • uses of the process of mathematical modelling in real life:
o determining the efficacy of a vitamin supplement in improving health
o predicting future sales based on the sales data from a given time frame
o predicting weather patterns from past meteorological data tracked over time
o predicting the amount of global carbon dioxide in future from past atmospheric data and
core ice samples
o predicting changes in the populations of endangered species in response to environmental
o estimating the number of available seats on a train based on various assumptions,
including anticipated cancellations and last-minute bookings
Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• incorporate the process of mathematical modelling as students engage with real-life situations in the context of learning in other strands;
• support students in identifying the value of mathematical modelling in various real-life situations; 166

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