Page 168 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 168

• introduce situations in the local community and ask students to reflect on potential related uses of mathematical modelling;
• support students in making the distinction between the use of a model to represent a mathematical concept and the process of mathematical modelling.
Teacher Prompts
• How can mathematical modelling be used to help us answer questions, in our own lives, in our communities, and in our society?
• What types of questions can mathematical modelling help us answer?
• How can mathematical modelling help us make predictions for the future?
• How can mathematical modelling help us identify where changes in policies and practices may be
needed and how to achieve those changes?
Sample Tasks
1. Have students identify an event or situation in real life where mathematical modelling has been used. Have them discuss how mathematical modelling has helped inform decisions about that event or situation.
2. Have students place themselves in the role of a decision maker in their community or of the CEO of a company. Have them describe the types of decisions that can be made when applying the process of mathematical modelling.
3. Have students research careers that involve mathematical modelling.
D2.2 Process of Mathematical Modelling
identify a question of interest requiring the collection and analysis of data, and identify the information needed to answer the question
Teacher supports
• questions of interest and information needed:
o Plastic waste contributes to the pollution of Earth’s ecosystems. How does the proportion
of plastic that ends up in recycling compare to the proportion that ends up in the garbage? ▪ information needed may include:
• the average amount of plastic waste that is discarded in a recycling bin
• the average amount of plastic waste that is discarded in the garbage

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