Page 159 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 159

• How can large amounts of data that have been collected over a long period of time (e.g., data related to climate change) be used to make predictions about the future?
Sample Tasks
1. Have students examine how cryptocurrencies use large server farms to collect, store, and mine information. Have students describe implications and consequences of these large server farms, including the amount of energy they consume.
2. Have students discuss how biometric data is captured and used to identify people using facial recognition software. Have students describe implications and consequences of the collection, storage, and use of biometric data by various companies and organizations.
3. Have students investigate the sources of data used to monitor the effects of climate change. Have students discuss how this data is being used to make predictions about future scenarios, and how these scenarios could inform the actions that people take now.
D1.2 Representation and Analysis of Data
represent and statistically analyse data from a real-life situation involving a single variable in various ways, including the use of quartile values and box plots
Teacher supports
• real-life situations involving a single variable:
o lengths of commutes to school for a given group of students
o amount of a given pesticide found in water samples collected from a local river o magnitudes of earthquakes in a given year, using the Richter scale
o salaries of employees in an organization
o amount of caffeine or sugar in various beverages
• various representations: o graphical:
▪ box plot representing data involving a single variable:

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