Page 108 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 108

• Describe some ways you can connect the concept you researched to your own learning, careers that you know about, the natural world, or your daily life.
• What do you think connects the different stories shared in class and the mathematical concepts you have encountered?
• What are some similarities and differences between your story and concepts researched by your peers?
Sample Tasks
1. Have students brainstorm possible algebraic concepts that they could research. Ask them to choose a concept of interest from the list and gather information about its socio-historic development in a culture of their choice. Once students have gathered their information, have them decide how they would like to tell the story of the development of the concept to the class.
2. Have students collaborate to create a collage of images showing the relevance in current contexts of the various algebraic concepts they researched. Each image should be connected to a specific algebraic concept, with a brief explanation of the connection. Students might make connections to the arts, architecture, engineering, science, business, the natural world, and so on.
C1.2 Algebraic Expressions and Equations
create algebraic expressions to generalize relationships expressed in words, numbers, and visual representations, in various contexts
Teacher supports
   relationships expressed in words
    algebraic expressions that generalize these relationships
   The length of a rectangle is three times its width.
  length = 3 × width or
l = 3w
width = length 3
 three less than double the sum of two numbers 2(x + y) − 3

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