Page 107 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 107

▪ Algebra and binary code are closely connected to weaving, which exists in most cultures and communities. Joseph Marie Jacquard (1752–1834) invented the Jacquard loom, often referred to as a precursor to the computer because it wove patterns based on instructions encoded on a series of punch cards. The activity of weaving itself involves mathematical thinking. A weaver uses algebraic thinking, often tacitly, to decide which threads to pick up based on what is needed for the intended pattern, and the act of picking up a thread or leaving it is a binary decision.
o generalizing relationships and rates of growth:
▪ Knowing the relationship between the girth of a tree and its height can be helpful in
determining the height of a tree without cutting it down. Determining this relationship requires observing the trees that grow locally in order to understand the growth rates of different species and how different growing conditions might affect these growth rates. This knowledge is used in various cultures by people who harvest wood for cultural, creative, and practical purposes so that they are able to harvest the right wood for the intended use and so that it can be done in a way that is sustainable.
Instructional Tips
Teachers can:
• on an ongoing basis, both formally and informally, encourage students to bring into the classroom the real-life stories and experiences they have gathered about the mathematical concepts they are learning, in order to enhance their understanding of these concepts, make connections between them, and connect them to real life;
• build an authentic and inclusive learning environment where students are encouraged to learn about knowledge systems from around the world, including Indigenous ways of knowing.
Students can seek out stories and real-life experiences through conversations with people in their families or communities, or through print and digital resources. They may need guidance on seeking information about new perspectives on mathematics. The aspect of student choice in this expectation may also involve the teacher taking the stance of a co-learner as they support students in exploring stories of various cultures.
Teacher Prompts
• How is this concept relevant to you?
• What did you find most interesting about your story?
• If you faced challenges while researching this concept, what were they?

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