Page 106 - Mathematics GRADE 9, DE-STREAMED (MTH1W)
P. 106

C. Algebra
 Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
C1. Algebraic Expressions and Equations: demonstrate an understanding of the development and use of algebraic concepts and of their connection to numbers, using various tools and representations
C2. Coding: apply coding skills to represent mathematical concepts and relationships dynamically, and to solve problems, in algebra and across the other strands
C3. Application of Relations: represent and compare linear and non-linear relations that model real-life situations, and use these representations to make predictions
C4. Characteristics of Relations: demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of various representations of linear and non-linear relations, using tools, including coding when appropriate
Overall expectation
C1. Algebraic Expressions and Equations
demonstrate an understanding of the development and use of algebraic concepts and of their connection to numbers, using various tools and representations
Specific expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 Development and Use of Algebra
research an algebraic concept to tell a story about its development and use in a specific culture, and describe its relevance in a current context
Teacher supports
• stories that students may share involving algebraic concepts: o use of variables:
▪ Today, symbols like x and y are used to represent unknown quantities (variables). In a similar way, a scroll of hieroglyphics from ancient Egypt (1650 BCE) shows the use of a symbol to represent an unknown value called a “heap” or a “quantity”.
o patterns and binary code:

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