Addendum to Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic
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In September 2021, the ministry implemented a de-streamed Grade 9 mathematics course (MTH1W). Students who have earned a credit in this course are well prepared for success in Grade 10 mathematics.
To support students in their transition from MTH1W to MPM2D, the ministry is issuing this adden- dum to MPM2D, effective September 2022. It includes three new specific expectations under an existing overall expectation. As set out on page 38 of Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools (2010), all specific expectations must be accounted for in instruction and assessment, but evaluation focuses on students’ achievement of the overall expectation.
Analytic Geometry Existing Overall Expectation
By the end of this course, students will:
• model and solve problems involving the intersection of two straight lines.
New Specific Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• identify the relationship between the slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines, and use this relationship to solve related problems;
• develop the formula for the slope of a line (i.e., ), and use this formula to determine
the equations of lines, given information about the lines (e.g., a graph of a line, a table of values, the coordinates of two points);
• represent the equations of lines in different forms (e.g., y = mx + b, Ax + By + C = 0, Ax + By = D) and translate between these forms, as appropriate for the context.
Issued Winter 2022
 Mathematics Grade 10, Academic, MPM2D (2005)
 Addendum to Principles of Mathematics

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