Page 2 - Addendum to Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic
P. 2

Some Considerations for Program Planning for MPM2D
Students who have earned a credit in de-streamed Grade 9 Mathematics (MTH1W) will bring with them supplementary learning compared to Grade 9, Academic (MPM1D). The chart below high- lights this learning as it relates to the strands in MPM2D.
 Strands in MPM2D
   Related Learning in MTH1W
  Quadratic Relations of the Form y = ax2 + bx + c
 In MTH1W, students:
• represented and described characteristics of non-linear relations; • collected and analysed data involving non-linear relations;
• translated, reflected, and rotated lines defined by y = ax;
• evaluated powers involving integer exponents;
• compared algebraic expressions using various methods, including simplification.
   Analytic Geometry
 In MTH1W, students:
• solved linear systems using the algebraic method of comparison in addition to the graphical method;
• analysed the effects that positive and negative signs have on the value of rates in various contexts, including rates of change;
• identified lines defined by equations and regions defined by inequalities;
• analysed geometric relationships including properties of circles and triangles.
  In MTH1W, students:
• solved problems involving real-life applications of proportions in various contexts, including geometry.
   Addendum to Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic (MPM2D) 2
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