Page 185 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: Health and Physical Education, 2015 - revised
P. 185

because the city’s average elevation is more than 2200 metres, and the thin air provided much less resistance to runners’ bodies or to thrown objects like javelins. Performance declined, however, in the long-distance running events, because the lower concentration of oxygen limited the aerobic capacity of the athletes. Consider some other examples of environmental factors, and explain what effects they can have on performance and why.”
Students: “The weather can affect your performance either positively or negatively. For example, a tailwind will improve a cyclist’s performance, but a headwind will impair it.” “Extreme heat makes it more difficult for the body to cool itself and maintain a constant temperature, so prolonged exertion becomes more stressful, performance diminishes, and the danger of heat exhaustion or heat stroke increases. High humidity, which limits evap- oration, reduces the cooling effect of sweating and adds to heat stress. Heavy sweating may result in a reduction of cardiovascular capacity as a result of fluid loss.”
B2.3 describe the role of nutrition in supporting physical activity (e.g., healthy nutrition maintains the nutrient balance needed to meet daily activity requirements; macronutrients provide energy
and build muscle; micronutrients and hydration help the body function effectively), and assess
the nutritional needs of individuals or specific groups within the population in relation
to their activity levels
Teacher prompt: “Compare the dietary needs of a person who is active and healthy, a person who would be considered sedentary, and a person who is a competitive athlete. What would each person need to consider in order to maintain a good balance between food intake and his or her daily energy needs? How do Canada’s Food Guide and Canada’s Food Guide – First Nations, Inuit and Métis help us identify the kinds and amounts of food that are needed for the body to function most effectively at a certain level of activity? What are the most important factors to consider?”
B2.4 assess the effects of various ergogenic (performance-enhancing) methods, substances, and equipment on human performance (e.g., nutritional aids, such as caffeine or herbal supplements; pharmacological aids, such as anabolic steroids or pain-masking drugs; physiological aids, such as blood doping; psychological aids, such as relaxation or meditation; mechanical aids, such as performance- enhancing equipment)
Teacher prompt: “People wanting to improve their physical performance sometimes turn to performance-enhancing methods, substances, or equipment known as ‘ergogenic aids’. Some of these are legal, but others are illegal or banned from use in competition. Some may not give the performance boost that is claimed for them, and some may also be detrimental to human health. What criteria should be used to determine the appropriateness of using an aid to increase performance?”
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Teacher prompt: “Recent advances in prosthetic technology are now making it possible for athletes with physical disabilities to match the performance of able-bodied athletes, but questions have also been raised about whether prostheses provide a competitive advantage. In 2014, for example, Paralympic athlete Markus Rehm won the German long-jump championships but was excluded from participating in the European Athletics Championships on the grounds that his prosthesis enhanced his performance.
“Identify some recent technological advances that are now being used in various physical activities and sports, and assess their effectiveness, impacts, and implications. Do they ac- tually increase performance? By how much? Do they require any changes in the way that the activity is performed? Do they have any physical side effects? Do they make physical activity and sports more accessible and inclusive for people with physical disabilities?”
 Introductory Kinesiology

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