Page 52 - Guidance Education 11-12 (2006)
P. 52

  Personal Management
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• demonstrateanunderstandingoftheirinterests,strengths,andneeds,anddescribehowthese influence their postsecondary education, training, and career plans;
• identifyanddescribeself-managementandteamworkskillsandstrategies,andusethem effectively in working with others in real or simulated workplace settings;
• identifyandeffectivelyapplystrategiesformanagingtime,planningtasks,andmanaging personal finances.
Specific Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
– summarize, assess, and document various aspects of their personal profile (e.g., inter- ests, skills, needs, values), using feedback from others, personal reflection, and infor- mation from standardized assessment tools, and explain how this information influ- ences their postsecondary education, training, and career plans;
– describe how learning from experience (e.g., work done in school subjects, volun- teer work, part-time jobs) contributes to the achievement of their goals for learning and work;
– identify and describe internal and external factors that motivate them (e.g., sense of satisfaction, money, recognition), and explain how such factors contribute to the achievement of their goals for learning and work.
Working With Others
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe self-management skills (e.g., priori- tizing, managing stress, problem solving) and use them to deal effectively with chal- lenging situations in the school, community, or workplace (e.g., situations involving harassment, unreliability of others);
– describe and use strategies for managing conflict (e.g., negotiation, mediation) and explain the issues and difficulties that may be encountered when resolving conflict;
– describe the value of diversity (e.g., in perspective, gender, culture) in teamwork as well as some of the challenges it may create;
– identify strategies that contribute to effec- tive teamwork (e.g., presuming positive intentions, managing conflict, paying attention to self and others, seeking diverse strengths and perspectives), and use them to work collaboratively to accomplish team goals in real or simulated workplace settings;
– identify a specific need in the community and respond to this need, working as part of a team (e.g., organize a career fair for parents and teachers);
– identify and use appropriate strategies (e.g., clarifying needs) to obtain the resources and support required to meet their needs when communicating with employers and postsecondary education and training providers.

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