Page 51 - Guidance Education 11-12 (2006)
P. 51

 Using Learning and Thinking Strategies
By the end of this course, students will:
– demonstrate the ability to use a process to reflect on their home, school, or work experiences (that is, describe their experi- ence, assess their performance, set goals for future performance, identify strategies for achieving them, apply the learning in a new situation), and explain how this reflection process contributes to continu- ous learning;
– use knowledge of the ways they learn best (e.g., by visual means, in kinesthetic ways, by using various technologies, through discussion) to develop effective strategies for learning (e.g., taking notes, using audio devices) in school and in real or simulated workplace settings;
– demonstrate effective use of strategies for remembering (e.g., using mnemonics, dividing written material into memorable “chunks”) in situations that require signif- icant use of memory in school and in real or simulated workplace settings;
– use a decision-making process to make informed choices (e.g., to select opportu- nities for learning, to prioritize workplace tasks) in the school, community, or work- place, and analyse the impact of their deci- sions on themselves and others;
– demonstrate effective use of a problem- solving process to deal with issues in school and in the workplace.
 Developing Workplace Essential Skills
By the end of this course, students will:
– assess their application of selected work- place essential skills, using feedback from others (e.g., peers, teachers, supervisors);
– produce a gap analysis of their workplace essential skills by identifying the workplace essential skill requirements for a specific occupation, comparing the requirements with the skills they have, and identifying the skills they need to develop;
– produce a plan for the development of the workplace essential skills that they require to complete specific tasks in the commu- nity or workplace;
– document their ongoing development of selected workplace essential skills, includ- ing evidence of demonstration of these skills from their Ontario Skills Passport.

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