Page 36 - Guidance Education 11-12 (2006)
P. 36

  Personal Knowledge and Management Skills
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• explain how their personal characteristics and acquired skills may affect their interactions with others in leadership and peer support roles;
• identify the characteristics of an effective leader and use these to evaluate their own leadership and peer support capabilities;
• identify and apply the personal-management skills and characteristics required to succeed in leadership and peer support roles;
• identify and apply effective teaching and learning through leadership and peer support roles.
strategies and resources to help others
describe various learning styles (e.g., audi- tory, visual, kinesthetic) and identify strate- gies used to support people with these learning styles;
describe a set of criteria (e.g., personal- management skills, personal characteristics) to assess the effectiveness of individuals in leadership and peer support roles, and use these criteria to assess their own strengths and needs for further development.
Specific Expectations
Personal Knowledge
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify and differentiate between their personal characteristics and skills they have developed over time, based on information gathered through self-assessment (e.g., per- sonality inventories, interest tests, feedback from others);
– summarize their leadership qualities and experiences, and describe how they may affect interactions with others in leadership and peer support roles;
– explain how a variety of factors (e.g., cul- ture, family background, personal experi- ences, the media) have influenced their personal motivation and skills related to leadership and peer support roles;
– create a personal profile reflecting the results of their self-assessment and incor- porate it into their portfolio.
Leadership Qualities
By the end of this course, students will:
– research and identify the leadership quali- ties and styles of a diverse range of people, including Aboriginal individuals, in leader- ship and support roles (e.g., in sports, poli- tics, community, and/or school);
Personal Management
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify and describe personal-management strategies that contribute to academic success (e.g., strategies for dealing with homework, tests, missed classes, workload, procrastination), and demonstrate how to communicate these strategies in tutoring and mentoring roles;
– demonstrate an understanding and appro- priate application of the principles and protocols related to confidentiality and privacy rights (e.g., referral of an issue to the appropriate teacher or department) in a variety of leadership and peer support roles;

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