Page 34 - Guidance Education 11-12 (2006)
P. 34

Goal Setting and Action Planning
By the end of this course, students will:
– evaluate selected postsecondary options with reference to personally relevant crite- ria (e.g., cost, location, length of program, accreditation, learning environment);
– explain how they plan to continue and finance (e.g., through loans, bursaries, scholarships, part-time work) their learn- ing after secondary school (e.g., apprentice- ship, on-the-job training, college, univer- sity) and summarize the advantages and disadvantages of their choices;
– use problem-solving strategies to reduce internal barriers (e.g., skill gaps, health problems) and/or external barriers (e.g., financial constraints, lack of local opportu- nities, cultural differences) that could interfere with the achievement of their work, learning, and personal goals;
apply a decision-making process to produce an action plan with backup options, describing how they will achieve their work, education/training, and community-involvement goals;
identify the financial implications of their postsecondary choices and describe in their action plan how they will manage their finances after secondary school.

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