Page 32 - Guidance Education 11-12 (2006)
P. 32

By the end of this course, students will:
– use the inquiry process to obtain detailed information about selected sectors of employment, and describe the work opportunities and emerging trends within these fields;
– compare selected occupations based on the requirements for entry (e.g., certifica- tion, knowledge, technical skills, essential skills) and the challenges of each occupation;
– assess secondary school options (e.g., co- operative education experience) that may help them achieve their postsecondary work and learning goals;
– identify and describe selected community involvement and/or leisure opportunities that can contribute to their postsecondary work and learning goals;
– explain how knowledge and appreciation of various cultures, including those of Aboriginal peoples, and fluency in French and other languages can expand employ- ment opportunities;
– summarize the results of their career- related research, using a variety of presen- tation formats (e.g., oral, video, print), and document them in their portfolio.
The Workplace
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe various types of businesses (e.g., profit, non-profit; small, medium, large; retail, service; public, private) and employ- ment opportunities (e.g., self-employment, part-time work, contract work) and iden- tify the advantages and disadvantages of each;
– identify examples of ethical behaviour within the workplace (e.g., respecting the rights of others, taking a stand against dis- criminatory behaviour, honesty, not caus- ing harm, obeying and respecting the law);
– describe key features of legislation govern- ing human rights, antidiscrimination, employment, and workplace health and safety (e.g., Ontario Human Rights Code, Employment Standards Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act) and relate these to their observations of how the rights and responsibilities of employees and employ- ers are addressed in their workplace experiences;
– explain the historical development of labour unions and describe their current role in the workplace from the point of view of employers and employees.

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