Page 38 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 38

of your sense of self and to the way you present yourself to the world [e.g., building a “personal brand”]?
What information could you include in your public profile for a networking site, keep- ing your privacy rights and responsibilities in mind, and how might you present it?
What are some different types of résumés, and how do you choose the format best suited to your purpose? When might a paper résumé, multimedia/digital résumé, or other type of résumé be useful? How can you customize these different types of résumés to respond to the requirements of a specific job posting? What should be included in your cover letter?
What specific words and body language might support the impression you want to make in a mock interview? What stories or examples of past experiences could you relate to illustrate your skills?
What feedback have you received from peers and trusted adults or from interviewers about your social media presence, personal website, résumé, interviewing skills, and/or other job-seeking tools and skills? How can you use this feedback to update and polish your job-searching tools and skills?
C2. Budgeting and Financial Management By the end of this course, students will:
C2. demonstrate an understanding of responsible management of financial resources and of services available to support their financial literacy as they prepare a budget for their first postsecondary year
C2.1 describe fundamentals of financial responsibility, assessing the benefits of a variety of savings options and exploring planning tools available through financial institu- tions and other avenues
Fundamentals of financial responsibility: setting and following a budget; responsibly managing bill payment and use of credit; understanding the difference between a bank and a credit union; managing their own bank accounts; protecting themselves against financial fraud
 38 CAREER STUDIES, 2019 | The Ontario Curriculum, Grade 10

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