Page 36 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 36

In your first postsecondary year, what do you hope to do or learn about in addition to starting on the path to your main educational or career/life goal? What new interests would you like to pursue?
What are the implications of the goal(s) you have chosen for your first postsecondary year? How will your choice(s) affect other aspects of your life?
Instructional Tips
Teachers can encourage students to:
• think creatively as they review and organize the information they’ve gathered
• about postsecondary options;
keep in mind that there may be more than one postsecondary pathway to a
desired destination and that they can draw on the skills learned in this course
• to adapt and change their plans as needed;
use a decision-making process (applying learning outlined in strand A) to refine their goals.
C1.2 develop a plan that identifies steps and strategies for working towards their initial postsecondary goal(s), addressing potential opportunities and challenges
Steps and strategies to be identified: General (for all students): identify some of the skills they will need to make the transition from secondary school to their postsecondary destination; consider what resources they will need to make the transition; review what they have learned about habits of mind, such as perseverance and resilience, and strategies, such as time management and consulting with others, that contribute to success; Specific (dependent on individual student goals): attend college/university or job fairs; research the availability of scholarships or jobs; visit campuses or workplaces; explore community living options; research apprenticeship and skilled trades qualification processes; learn about admission deadlines or work- place requirements; ask for recommendations from teachers or former employers; find a mentor
Teacher Prompts
What might your initial plan look like? How might a graphic organizer help you in creating your plan?
What skills do you need to achieve your goal? How can you develop these skills? What work or co-op experience, internships, community involvement or extra- curricular activities, leadership opportunities, or other experiences should you consider to help build these skills?
   36 CAREER STUDIES, 2019 | The Ontario Curriculum, Grade 10

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