Page 37 - The Ontario Curriculum: Career Studies, Grade 10, Open (GLC2O) – Guidance and Career Education. Advance Release of Curriculum Expectations, 2019 (revised course)
P. 37

Consider that your learning and your personal development over the next two years of secondary school may change the way you think about your postsecondary goals. Who can you consult in order to keep as many doors open as possible, and have alternative options?
How can you prepare for the transition from high school to an initial postsecondary destination? What challenges and/or opportunities do you anticipate? What skills can you use to help you adapt to change [e.g., identifying and managing emotions, coping with stress, maintaining positive motivation, nurturing healthy relationships, developing self-awareness and a sense of identity, critical and creative thinking]?
Who could you ask for a reference or recommendation? What is the best way to request a reference or recommendation?
Instructional Tips
Teachers can encourage students to:
• draw on existing plans such as their Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) and/or Individual Education Plan (IEP) to help them develop a plan for their first year
• after secondary school;
revise and update their Individual Pathways Plan (IPP), recording their initial postsecondary destination; their other postsecondary goals or plans; a detailed plan to complete the courses and experiences required to achieve these goals; and strategies to support the plan, overcome obstacles and challenges, and access the
• resources and assistance needed;
explore the transitions section of the Ontario Native Education Counselling Association (ONECA) website, or the Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities for support in making the transition from secondary school to a postsecondary destination.
C1.3 use effective and appropriate forms, media, and styles to communicate their skills, experience, and achievements to prospective mentors, program administrators, employers, community organizations, scholarship funders, or investors
Forms of communication: a public profile for a career-oriented social media networking site that highlights their skills and interests; an application essay/video for an award or a co-op opportunity; a résumé and cover letter for a potential job; a mock inter- view with peers; a personal website
Teacher Prompts
How can you use social media to demonstrate your interests, strengths, and skills to potential employers? How does using media in this way contribute to the development
   Strand C | Planning and Financial Management to Help Meet Postsecondary Goals | GRADE 10 37

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