Page 343 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 343

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. Reading Comprehension: determine meaning in a variety of authentic and adapted French texts, using a variety of reading comprehension strategies;
C2. Purpose, Form, and Style: identify the purpose(s), characteristics, and aspects of style of a variety of text forms, including fictional, informational, graphic, and media forms;
C3. Intercultural Understanding: demonstrate an understanding of information in French texts about aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of French sociolinguistic conventions used in a variety of situations and communities.
C1. Reading Comprehension
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 Using Reading Comprehension Strategies: use a variety of reading comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading to understand French texts, including challenging texts (e.g., determine the purpose for reading before beginning; before reading, discuss themes or background information to increase knowledge about the topic; form mental pictures based on the words on the page; use a graphic organizer to help them categorize main ideas and important details; consolidate and extend understanding after reading by paraphrasing with partners and noting the similarities and differences in these retelling; anticipate text by constantly keeping the eye moving forward when reading)
Teacher prompts: “Pourquoi est-il important de préciser votre intention de lecture?” “Comment développez-vous vos facultés de visualisation mentale?” “Comment les comparaisons vous aident-elles à comprendre le sens d’une phrase ou d’une idée?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can model different ways to paraphrase sentences, including by replacing a noun with a verb, an adjective with a noun, or a verb with a noun (e.g., “La commercialisation de ce médicament s’est effectuée au Canada seulement” can be para- phrased as “Ce traitement est vendu au Canada seulement”).
C1.2 Reading for Meaning: demonstrate an understanding of a variety of fictional, informational, and graphic French texts,
including challenging texts and texts used in real-life situations (e.g., create an alternative ending for a short story or novel that is consistent with the action/characters in the work; comment on how a conflict was resolved in a story studied in class; discuss, in small groups, the message in an editorial cartoon about the economy; extract information from a data chart about paper waste and its impact on the environment; in pairs, discuss a text about values, principles, and/or beliefs of First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit peoples; consult a flyer from a local department store or a mail-order catalogue to place an order; after reading a fictional work, list the elements that should be on the cover of the book and justify their choices)
Teacher prompts: “Quels sont les liens entre
la lutte d’un personnage étudié et une lutte que vous avez vécue?” “Comment une bande dessinée est-elle une bonne voie pour transmettre un message?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to consolidate their understanding
of a text by organizing its key ideas on a graphic organizer and then discussing them with the class to check their accuracy.
C1.3 Reading with Fluency: read a variety
of French texts with proper intonation and
at a sufficient rate and with sufficient ease to demonstrate that they understand the overall sense of the text (e.g., during shared reading with the whole class, read with appropriate pauses to convey their understanding of the material; place stress correctly to distinguish between similar words and phrases such as“plutôt/plus tôt”)
Teacher prompts: “Dans quelles situations vous sentez-vous le plus à l’aise quand vous lisez à
  French Immersion

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