Page 345 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 345

 the tone and choice of words in a letter to the editor help express the attitude of the author towards a particular issue; similes and metaphors add layers of meaning to descriptions in a short story)
Teacher prompts: “Quels sont les éléments visuels de la mise en page à la une qui vous ont attiré pour lire le journal?” “Quels éléments de style l’auteur a-t-il utilisé pour appuyer son message?” “Comment l’emploi des métaphores ajoutent-ils au texte descriptif?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can ask students to explain why particular verb tenses were used in a newspaper story (e.g., “Pourquoi a-t-on utilisé le conditionnel présent dans cette phrase?”, “Pourquoi est-ce que l’auteur a écrit ce para- graphe à l’imparfait?”).
C2.3 Metacognition:
(a) explain which strategies they found helpful before, during, and after reading to understand texts;
(b) identify their areas of greater and lesser strength as readers, and plan detailed steps they can take to improve their reading skills (e.g., identify strategies used to differentiate fact from opinion; discuss strategies that might be used when reading a campaign brochure; describe the similarities and differences in the reading strategies they would apply to a poem as compared to a print advertisement; identify confusing or challenging parts in a text and determine which strategy or strategies might help them understand it)
Teacher prompts: “De quelles stratégies qui ont été utiles auparavant pour surmonter des difficultés possibles en lecture prévoyez-vous vous servir?” “Quels sont vos objectifs de réussite en lecture? Quels sont les outils que vous utilisez pour y arriver?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can suggest that students use conjunctions followed by the indicatif (e.g., “de telle sorte que”, “au point que”, “de manière que”, “si bien que”) when explaining the consequences of choosing certain reading strategies.
C3. Intercultural Understanding
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 Intercultural Awareness: using information from a variety of French texts, identify French- speaking communities worldwide, find out about aspects of their cultures, and make connections to personal experiences and their own and other communities (e.g., analyse the actions and choices of fictional characters from French-speaking communities in terms of the social and cultural norms of those communities; read fashion blogs
from a variety of areas around the world where French is spoken to identify styles worn on different occasions; decipher clues prepared by classmates for a cultural scavenger hunt to learn more about various French-speaking cultures; read tourism brochures and websites to plan and budget for
a trip or an eco-tour to a French-speaking region; discuss what the lyrics of songs convey about the culture of a French-speaking community)
Teacher prompts: “Dans quelle mesure la mode joue-t-elle un rôle dans l’introduction à une nouvelle culture?” “Quelles sont les ressources d’informations touristiques qui peuvent vous aider à planifier et calculer les frais d’un voyage? Qu’est-ce que vous voulez voir ou visiter et pourquoi?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can promote the use of the participe présent when students are making connections between fashions from different regions (e.g., “en regardant...”, “en parcourant...”, “en feuilletant...”).
C3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions: using information from French texts, identify and demonstrate an understanding of sociolinguistic conventions used in a variety of situations in diverse French-speaking communities (e.g., compare the level of language used in formal and informal letters from two different age groups; identify puns in headlines in newspapers from different French-speaking countries; comment on persuasive language used in financial advertisements in different French-speaking countries; compare foods on menus in a variety of French-speaking communities)
Teacher prompt: “Quelle est la différence entre une lettre formelle pour faire une demande d’emploi et une lettre à un ami?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can encourage students to use a Venn diagram to help them compare and contrast the expressions and forms used in formal and informal letters (e.g., “Je me tiens à votre disposition pour...”, “Avec mes remerciements renouvelés, je vous prie d’agréer, Madame, l’expression de mes hommages respectueux...” vs “Enfin, j’ai
le temps de t’écrire...”, “Au revoir et à la prochaine...”).
French Immersion

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