Page 218 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: French as a Second Language – Core, Extended, and Immersion, 2014
P. 218

 Grade 10, Academic
 THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | French as a Second Language: Extended
B2.2 Interacting: engage in spoken interactions in French (prepared and spontaneous), in academic and social contexts, about academic and familiar topics, including literary topics (e.g., converse spontaneously and at length about everyday life; with a partner, create and perform a lengthy dialogue dramatizing an unfair situation; participate in a panel presentation to Grade 9 students on how volunteering, part-time employment, and/or participation in school activities can develop job skills; informally discuss future career paths with peers; with a partner, role-play an interview with the author of or a character in a novel under study; present with a peer their interpretation of a French literary text; engage in a class discussion on personal finances)
Teacher prompts: “Quel rapport y a-t-il
entre le bénévolat et le développement des compétences professionnelles?” “Comment pouvez-vous varier le degré de votre mécon- tentement quand vous formulez une plainte?” “Quelles questions voudriez-vous poser à l’auteur de ce roman? Pourquoi?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can provide examples of questions students might ask in a role play of an interview with the author of a novel under study (e.g., “Pourquoi avez-vous choisi d’écrire pour la jeunesse?”, “Quand avez-vous écrit votre premier livre? De quoi parle-t-il?”, “Pour écrire, vous inspirez-vous des livres que vous lisez?”, “Dans votre roman..., pourquoi...?”).
B2.3 Metacognition:
(a) explain which strategies they found helpful before, during, and after speaking to communi- cate effectively;
(b) identify their areas of greater and lesser strength as speakers, and plan detailed steps they can take to improve their speaking skills (e.g., reflect on the types of situations in which they interact most freely, and identify strategies that might help them improve their ease in other situations; in small groups, discuss their strengths and prioritize areas for improvement; assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of methods they
have used to request clarification during a conver- sation; explain during a student-teacher conference the strategies that they used to prepare for an oral presentation)
Teacher prompts: “Dans quelle mesure votre familiarité avec l’interlocuteur a-t-elle influencé votre interaction avec cette personne?” “Comment le nombre de personnes dans
un groupe détermine-t-il votre désir de
contribuer?” “Jusqu’à quel point votre langue maternelle joue-t-elle un rôle dans votre conversation en français, tel que celui des mots apparentés?”
Instructional tip: Teachers can ask pairs of students to compare their experiences speaking in different situations and to share strategies and set goals to improve their speaking skills in the situations that they find most challenging.
B3. Intercultural Understanding
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 Intercultural Awareness: communicate information orally about French-speaking communities in Africa and Asia, including aspects of their cultures and their contributions to la francophonie and the world, and make connections to personal experiences and their own and other communities (e.g., deliver an
oral presentation on a famous person or fictional character from Burkina Faso or Cambodia; discuss the importance of a musical style or a song to a particular French-speaking culture in Africa or Asia; in a small group, deliver an oral presentation on differences and similarities in cuisine, fashion, and/or art between a French-speaking region in Africa or Asia and their own community)
Teacher prompts: “Jusqu’à quel point peut-on apprendre à propos de nous-mêmes en explorant d’autres cultures?” “Comment peut-on poliment s’enquérir de l’héritage culturel de quelqu’un?” “Comment pouvez-vous vous intégrer dans une autre culture tout en respectant vos croyances?” “La mode est-elle une industrie culturelle? Justifiez votre réponse.”
Instructional tip: Teachers can provide assign- ment options that allow students to vary the type and complexity of their presentations (e.g., radio broadcasts, videos, multimedia presenta- tions, dramatic presentations, puppet shows).
B3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions: identify sociolinguistic conventions associated with a variety of social situations in diverse French-speaking communities,* and use them appropriately in spoken interactions (e.g., use regional idioms or expressions in a new context; compare and contrast vocabulary from two French-
speaking areas or cultures and use this vocabulary appropriately in an interaction; choose words to
* Students are encouraged to identify examples of usage that is specific to particular regions or communities (e.g., French- speaking communities in Africa and Asia) but are not expected to do so.

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