Page 162 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 162

 Grade 11E,LDUnLieverls4it,yOPpreenparation
 1. use English and non-verbal communication strategies appropriately in a variety of social contexts;
2. demonstrate an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship, and of the
contributions of diverse groups to Canadian society;
3. demonstrate knowledge of and adaptation to the Ontario education system;
4. demonstrate an understanding of, interpret, and create a variety of media texts.
  1. Using English in Socially and Culturally Appropriate Ways
2. Developing Awareness of Canada, Citizenship, and Diversity
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
1.1 determine and use the appropriate language register in a wide variety of social and class- room contexts (e.g.,“What’s up?”to peers versus “Hello. How are you?” to teachers; “I’m sorry, would you please repeat that?” to an adult acquaintance versus“What did you just say?”to a friend;“Thanks a lot”to a friend or a family member versus“I really appreciate your help”
to a sales assistant in a store)
Non-verbal Communication
1.2 adjust their use of non-verbal communication cues to suit a variety of social, academic, and workplace contexts (e.g., eye contact, gestures, personal space, handshakes, posture, touch)
Teacher prompt: “Let’s watch the video with- out sound. How well do these people know each other? How do you know?”
By the end of this course, students will:
Knowledge About Canada
2.1 demonstrate knowledge of a variety of facts about Canadian political processes and struc- tures (e.g., name the types of services that are provided by each level of government; identify current political figures and their roles; explain the process of electing governments in Canada)
Canadian Citizenship
2.2 demonstrate knowledge of key facts about Canadian citizenship, levels of government in Canada, and current Canadian issues (e.g., identify the steps in the application process for Canadian citizenship; identify some rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship, such as free speech and voting; research issues such as energy conservation, recycling, election platforms of different political parties, human rights)
Teacher prompt: “What are some of the ways you can influence decisions about an issue you are interested in?”

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