Page 161 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 161

 Spelling Strategies
3.2 use a variety of spelling strategies to spell words accurately (e.g., apply knowledge of pre- fixes, suffixes, and roots; refer to dictionaries and electronic spell-checkers; divide long words into manageable chunks; use mnemonic devices to learn difficult spellings)
Teacher prompt: “Tell a partner about a mem- ory trick you use to help you spell a certain word correctly.”
4. Using the Writing Process
By the end of this course, students will:
Using Pre-writing Strategies
4.1 use a variety of pre-writing strategies to gen- erate vocabulary and develop and organize ideas for writing (e.g., consider purpose and audience in choosing an appropriate form for writing; generate ideas using concept or word webs, brainstorming, discussions; interview people with knowledge of the topic; conduct
an Internet search)
Teacher prompt: “How does discussing your topic with a partner help you to prepare for writing?”
Producing Drafts
4.2 produce draft pieces of writing using a vari- ety of strategies and models (e.g., a variety of graphic organizers, student exemplars)
Teacher prompt: “How can looking at an exemplar help you with your writing?”
Revising and Editing
4.3 revise, edit, and proofread drafts using a vari- ety of strategies (e.g., discuss ideas, organiza- tion, and word choice in conferences with the teacher; use an author’s circle for peer feedback; reread to check clarity of ideas and word choice; refer to a checklist to double-check punctuation, consistency of verb tense, and subject-verb agree- ment; verify spelling using print and electronic resources)
Teacher prompt: “What similar words could you use instead of _______?”
4.4 use a variety of elements of effective presen- tation to publish a final product (e.g., italics, bolding, and underlining for emphasis; layouts that enhance or highlight the content; detailed labels)
4.5 select and use a variety of writing strategies before, during, and after writing, and reflect after writing on the strategies they found most helpful (e.g., use a reflection journal to record ideas and learning about writing; main- tain a writing portfolio that they think shows their best work and explain the reasons for their choice)
Teacher prompt: “What helped you organize your ideas on paper?”
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