Page 159 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9-12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 2007
P. 159

 Teacher prompt: “What strategies did you use most often to help you to understand the text?”
Text Features
2.2 use specific features of content-area texts to locate and extract information (e.g., headings and subheadings, sidebars, text boxes, margin notes, graphs, columns and rows in a table, a grid and coordinates in a map, an index, a glossary)
Teacher prompt: “What organizing devices and symbols in this textbook help you to locate information?”
Connecting Devices
2.3 identify a variety of connecting devices and transition words and phrases that are used to show relationships among ideas in texts (e.g., in contrast, in conclusion, yet)
Grammatical Structures
2.4 demonstrate an understanding of the gram- matical structures of English and conventions of print used in texts appropriate for this level (see the Language Reference Chart for ELD
Level 4 on page 162)
3. Developing Vocabulary
By the end of this course, students will:
Vocabulary Building Strategies
3.1 use a variety of vocabulary acquisition strat- egies to build subject-specific vocabulary (e.g., use context clues to infer meaning; create a note- book of vocabulary related to various subject areas; consult a variety of print and electronic dictionaries; chart word families; solve jigsaw word puzzles; create and play interactive word games)
Word Recognition Strategies
3.2 use knowledge of a variety of patterns of word structure and word order to determine the meaning of content-area words (e.g., deter- mine how meaning changes when prefixes and suffixes change; infer meaning from word order)
Use of Resources
3.3 use a variety of resources to build vocabulary and determine the meaning of unfamiliar content-area words (e.g., a variety of print and electronic dictionaries, websites designed for English language learners, glossaries and text boxes in subject textbooks)
4. Developing Research Skills
By the end of this course, students will:
Locating Information
4.1 locate information for guided research from a variety of teacher-selected texts (e.g., books, encyclopaedias, websites, DVDs, video clips, news reports), and determine whether the ideas and information gathered are relevant to and adequate for the purpose
Extracting and Organizing Information
4.2 select and organize information from texts for a variety of purposes (e.g., use teacher-prepared outlines to make notes for guided-research proj- ects; develop word webs and fishbone maps to organize ideas for a report)
Critical Thinking
4.3 identify a variety of sources of information on the same topic, and compare them for reliabil- ity and point of view (e.g., compare reports from ethnocultural community newspapers versus mainstream newspapers, television versus radio broadcasts, print versus electronic magazines)
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